
This Agreement 'The States Parties to eat,

  1. The United Nations Charter for the world's freedom, justice and peace in the world and accepted by the members of the human family is the inherent dignity of all individuals and equal and inalienable rights in mind,
  2. The United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Convention on Human Rights has recognized that the right to freedom and without suffering any discrimination with acceptance and considering that everyone declared,
  3. Universal of all human rights and fundamental freedoms, indivisible, with individuals with disabilities are not linked and interdependent nature Affirming the need to take any guarantee of the enjoyment of these rights without discrimination,
  4. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on All Forms of Racial Discrimination, the International Convention on the Elimination of the International Convention on All Forms of Discrimination Prevention Against Women, Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Convention treatment or Punishment, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the holding of the International Convention on the Protection of Migrant Workers and Members of their Families,
  5. Disability is a concept that evolved and disability status, recognizing the lack of people with the society of equal conditions fully and effectively prevents the participation attitudes and environmental conditions along with other individuals, the fact that results from the interaction,
  6. World Programme of Action and the Standard Rules to Ensure Equal Opportunities for the Handicapped for the disabled 'on the principles and policy recommendations of the disabled equal opportunities nationally for ensuring regional and international level policies, plans, development of programs and actions, look at the contribution of the design and evaluation considering,
  7. As an integral part of relevant strategies of sustainable development, which issues related to disability emphasizing the need to be addressed,
  8. Recognizing that a person with disabilities is to be discriminated against humanity of the inherent dignity and worth of each individual's meant to be in breach,
  9. That, as well as recognizing the diversity of people with disabilities;
  10. Including persons with disabilities who require more intensive support, recognizing the strengthening of human rights protection and the need for all people with disabilities,
  11. Various measures and despite the presence of vehicles of disabled people in society equal individuals participate continue to be there more still obstacles in front and all around the world of people with disabilities by Concerned at the fact that they have been subjected to human rights violations,
  12. Especially in developing countries, especially the living conditions in all the countries in the development of disability in recognition of the importance of international cooperation,
  13. They do disabled people and what they can contribute to society's well-being and diversity of people and people with disabilities
  14. Rights and fundamental freedoms are fully encouraged to participate in the full use of their social belonging and community factors, the humanitarian community, recognizing that contribute to the social and economic aspects of development and poverty reduction,
  15. Of the disabled, including the freedom to make their own choices Recognising the importance of individual autonomy and independence,
  16. With disabilities who are themselves directly related to the decision-making processes about policies and programs, including taking into account the need to participate actively,
  17. Race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, birth, age or other status based on multiple causes and therefore exposed to discrimination more aggravated concerned by the difficult conditions faced by persons with disabilities,
  18. Disabled women and girls, both in the home suffer from violence outside the home, injury or abuse, neglect, negligent treatment, be aware of the fact that they are at a greater risk to ill-treatment or exploitation,
  19. Recognizing the need to fully take advantage of children with disabilities of all human rights and fundamental freedoms on an equal basis with other children, and recalling obligations assumed by the States Parties to the Convention on Children's Rights,
  20. The disabled of human rights and gender perspective in all efforts to promote the full enjoyment of fundamental freedoms also stressed the need to include,
  21. Underlining that the majority of disabled people live in conditions of poverty, and in this regard, to draw attention to the negative impact of poverty on persons with disabilities, recognizing the critical importance,
  22. Contingent 't the objectives and of the established peace and security on the respect for the principles and applicable non-compliance with human rights instruments, especially the armed conflict and occupation conditions by bear in mind that it is indispensable for the protection of the disabled,
  23. Physical disabilities to ensure the full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms, social, economic and cultural environment, to health and education services, recognizing the importance of access to information and communication,
  24. The individual, having duties to other individuals and to the community that belongs to the strengthening of the rights defined in the International Convention on Human Rights and strive for the observance of these rights as aware that under an obligation,
  25. In the knowledge that the family of the community's natural and fundamental group unit and society and should be protected by the State and people with disabilities of all human rights by the full and equal advantage of being able the disabled to ensure family members should receive absolute protection and support,
  26. Is a comprehensive international agreement strengthens the disabled people's rights and dignity and protect the disabled to eliminate the severe social disadvantage and their civil, political, economic, social and cultural environment to encourage the participation with equal opportunity, convinced that an important contribution in countries with developing both developing as, they have agreed on the following provisions:

The purpose of this Agreement the disabilities of all human rights and to promote the full and equal enjoyment of fundamental freedoms, and to strengthen respect for the inherent dignity and presence to protect and provide. The concept of society on an equal basis with other individuals with disabilities to fully and effectively constitute an obstacle to the participation of those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or person includes a sensory disorder.

For the purposes of this Convention;

"Contact" accessible information and communication technology includes languages, display of text, using Braille, tactile communication, large print, text, audio, accessible multimedia, plain language, normal reading, body language, and the other type, style and communication that occurs with car includes;

"Language" spoken language, sign language and non-verbal include other languages;

"Discrimination based on disability is" political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field of human rights and in equal conditions with others, fundamental freedoms, or any separation performed on the basis of disability in front of benefiting from these involves exclusion or restriction. reasonable regulation of discrimination based on disability covers all forms of discrimination including denial.

"Reasonable accommodation" of disabled human rights and fundamental freedoms in full and others with the use of equally or needed in a particular case to ensure the enjoyment of them, which does a disproportionate or undue burden, necessary and refers appropriate changes and amendments.

"Universal design" products, environments, programs and services of a special or additional design without the need for editing, is designed to be used by everyone as possible. "Universal design" should of heard that if the device is needed to help some disabled groups must not exclude design.

This Agreement shall be based on the following principles:

  1. The freedom and independence to make their own choices as to cover, which is inherent in the existence of people of human dignity and respect for individual autonomy;
  2. Non-discrimination;
  3. Full and effective participation of disabled people in society;
  4. Respect for difference and acceptance of disability as part of human diversity and humanity;
  5. Equality of opportunity;
  6. Accessibility / availability;
  7. Women and equality between men;
  8. Disabled children's development capacity and respect for the rights to preserve their identity.
  1. States Parties are obliged to strengthen the human rights without any discrimination and allow all disabled ensure the full realization of all fundamental freedoms and rights and freedoms of persons with disabilities based on disability. For this purpose, States parties are committed to the following:
    1. This Agreement 'for the implementation of the rights recognized in all the necessary legal, administrative and other measures;
    2. The current available, people with disabilities constitute discrimination against laws, regulations, customs and practices or change is necessary to eliminate, to take all appropriate measures, including legislation;
    3. Of disabled people in all policies and programs to take into account the protection and promotion of human rights;
    4. The avoidance of acts or practices incompatible with the Convention and public institutions of this Agreement 'had to act to ensure appropriate;
    5. Any person, organization, or to take all appropriate measures to prevent discrimination on the basis of disability in the private sector;
    6. Standards and as defined in the second Article of the Convention in the development of guiding principles of universal design from exploitation and universally designed to meet the special needs of disabled and able as few changes and low-cost products that require, services, research equipment and facilities, development, supply and ensuring the availability or support;
    7. Giving priority to cost affordable technologies of information and communication technologies, facilitate the movement of vehicles, research of new technologies such as assistive technology for the disabled, development, or support to ensure the supply and availability;
    8. Disabled to facilitate the movement of vehicles, including new technologies, assistive technology and help them as well as other information about the facility and the provision of access to support services,
    9. The working professionals and administrative staff with disabilities this Convention 'in the development of training on the rights recognized and thus improving the assistance and services guaranteed by those rights;
  2. States Parties economic, to social and maximum measures as resources to the extent related to cultural rights and the disabled as needed in international cooperation to ensure progressively the full enjoyment of these rights to this Agreement from undertakes to fulfill the obligations that need to be implemented immediately According to the international law .
  3. States Parties shall consult continuously through the organizations representing them to the disabled, including disabled children in other decision-making processes relating to persons with disabilities, legal and policy development and implementation to ensure the implementation of this Agreement and effective will this process.
  4. This Agreement 'until no provisions for persons with disabilities shall not affect the provisions of the present law is more favorable to the realization of the parties in the State party's legislation or rules of international law that the State undertakes to comply. States Parties' from any of the foregoing law, the contracts, legal regulations, any one of the fundamental human rights, in effect, according to tradition this Agreement's restrictions on the grounds that predict whether or narrowly predict these rights or partial replacement is not possible.
  5. Without being subject to any limitations or exceptions to the provisions of this Convention shall apply to all parts of the federal government.
  1. The States Parties to equal protection before the law and equal and opposite that of the law without discrimination and recognizes that the right to equal benefit of the law.
  2. States Parties shall prohibit all discrimination based on disability and disabled people it is to ensure the equal and effective protection against discrimination on all grounds.
  3. States Parties shall ensure the equality and discrimination will take all necessary steps to ensure that reasonable arrangements for the disabled to eliminate.
  4. Special measures are necessary to accelerate or achieve de facto equality of persons with disabilities shall not be considered discrimination for the purposes of this Agreement.
  1. States Parties shall take measures to ensure to persons with disabilities acknowledges that the exposure to multiple discrimination, with women and girls to benefit from this care in their full and equal conditions of all human rights and fundamental freedoms.
  2. States Parties to the full development of women and the advancement and empowerment of Agreement also take all necessary measures to ensure the use of specified human rights and fundamental freedoms and to take advantage of them.
  1. The States Parties to children with disabilities on an equal basis with other children, to ensure the full and equal enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms of all shall take all necessary measures.
  2. In all actions concerning children with disabilities will be given priority to the protection of the child's best interests.
  3. The States Parties to children with disabilities themselves, affecting about everything other children to have the right to express their views freely under equal conditions, age, and an emphasis on the views according to their level of maturity and will allow them to be the excuse for the recognition of the right age and submitted to the appropriate support.
  1. States Parties (for the following purposes) immediate, effective and undertake to take appropriate measures.
    1. To increase the awareness of people with disabilities in all sectors of society, including families and promote respect for the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities;
    2. The stereotypes towards people with disabilities in all areas of life, prejudice, combating gender and age-based discriminatory behavior and harmful practices;
    3. Disability awareness about the capabilities and contributions of individuals.
  2. Measures to this end include the following:
    1. Designing effective campaign to raise awareness of the community, initiating and sustaining:
      1. The disabled community education on the admissibility of individual rights;
      2. A positive approach for the disabled and raise public awareness;
      3. Disabled individuals the skills, merits and abilities of society to promote recognition of the contributions to the workplace and the labor market;
    2. At every stage of the education system for all children from an early age individuals with disabilities to promote an attitude of respect for human rights;
    3. All mass media to encourage the disabled to define an appropriate approach to the objectives of this Convention;
    4. To promote awareness raising and education programs for the disabled rights.
  1. The States Parties to persons with disabilities to live independently and to ensure their effective participation in all spheres of life and disability of the physical environment on an equal basis with others, to transportation, information and communications technologies and systems for information and communication facilities to be included in both rural and both urban areas and public to other facilities and shall take appropriate measures to ensure access to services. The identification of barriers to access these measures and will also include the elimination. These measures are effective in terms of location and services mentioned below:
    1. Buildings, roads, transportation and schools, homes and other indoor and outdoor facilities, including medical facilities and workplaces;
    2. Electronic services and other services and information and communication tools, including emergency services.
  2. States Parties shall also take appropriate measures to achieve the following:
    1. The development of public services open or provided to the public facilities and services, minimum standards and guidelines for the accessibility, promulgate and monitor the implementation relating thereto;
    2. The accessibility of the disabled Public Offering of private enterprises operating facilities or the provision of public services, taking into account every aspect;
    3. To provide training for stakeholders on accessibility issues faced by persons with disabilities of persons concerned;
    4. Public buildings and other facilities in Braille and made ??markings in easily understood;
    5. Guidelines to facilitate access to buildings and other facilities open to the public, readers and professional sign language interpreters, including forms of live assistance and the provision of vehicles;
    6. To ensure access to information for disabled people to encourage them with appropriate assistance and support to the road;
    7. Including the Internet for the disabled to promote access to new information and communication technologies and systems;
    8. Accessible information and communications technologies and systems design, development and encouragement at an early stage of the distribution operation and thus become accessible at minimum cost to provide disabled access to these technologies and systems.

States Parties shall re-confirming that the disabled have the right to life as inherent in the existence of every human being to enable them to benefit on an equal basis with other members of this right effective and shall take all necessary measures.

Risks and Humanitarian Care of Emergency Situations States Parties to armed conflict, states shall take all necessary measures to fulfill its humanitarian law and obligations under international law, including international human rights law to ensure the urgent humanitarian situation and the protection of persons with disabilities in situations of risk, including natural disasters and security.

  1. States Parties reaffirm that they have the right to recognition everywhere as a person they are disabled.
  2. States Parties agree that in all areas of life of persons with disabilities have legal capacity on an equal basis with others.
  3. States Parties shall take appropriate measures in order to receive the support they may require in exercising their legal capacity of persons with disabilities.
  4. The States Parties to the exploitation rights in accordance with international human rights law that all measures relating to the use of preventive license will guarantee to provide appropriate and effective safeguards. Such safeguards are legal capacity of the related measures of people's rights to use, will and preferences to be respectful, enjoy being independent of the conflict, a person's will to the absence of an unjustified interference with the person to be proportionate to the circumstances of and to observe these conditions, the implementation in the shortest possible time, authorized It must be independent and subject to regular review by an impartial authority or judicial body. These guarantees must be proportional to the degree it affects the rights and interests of the people of these measures.
  5. The States Parties to acquire property of the disabled under this Article or qualify to inherit, to control their own financial affairs and bank loans, mortgages and in terms of access to other financial loans appropriate to ensure that they have equal rights with other individuals and effective enjoyment of the property of receipts and disabled all measures It should provide as the deprived.
  1. States Parties shall ensure effective access to justice under equal conditions with other individuals with disabilities. The arrangements for the provision of procedural and age-appropriate investigative and other preliminary stages and the direct and indirect participation in all legal proceedings, including the testimony should be facilitated.
  2. States Parties shall ensure that the justice system including police and prison staff employees receive appropriate training to ensure effective access to justice for persons with disabilities.
  1. States Parties shall ensure an equal basis with other individuals with disabilities to benefit from the following rights:
    1. The right to enjoyment of personal freedom and security;
    2. Arbitrary or unlawful deprivation of their liberty in a way that they left, the freedom to be restricted and based on the law where the disability under any circumstances be presented as justification for the deprivation of liberty.
  2. States Parties if it was disabled persons deprived of their liberty through any process; making it an equal basis with others; disabled people in accordance with international human rights law, including provisions relating to the regulation should provide reasonable assurance and to have treated in compliance with the objectives and principles of the Convention.
  1. Nobody torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment should not be exposed. In particular, no one shall be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation without consent.
  2. States Parties to the disabled torture or to cruel, inhuman or with other individuals degrading treatment or punishment under equal conditions to ensure the protection of all effective legislative, administrative, judicial and other measures they will take.
  1. States Parties of not exploitation inside and outside the home of the disabled, of exposure to violence and abuse, including gender-based aspects of this attitude of appropriate legislation to protect all forms of administrative, social, will receive educational and other measures.
  2. States Parties to the disabled, their families, their gender to provide their care and their age appropriate assistance and support to exploitation by providing, how to prevent violence and abuse, the exploitation of knowledge and training that it will be detected and reported by, the prevention of all forms of violence and abuse shall take all appropriate measures. States Parties shall protection services should ensure that sensitive to gender and disability issues.
  3. States Parties exploitation should ensure effective supervision by independent authorities of all facilities and programs designed to serve persons with disabilities in order to prevent all forms of violence and abuse.
  4. States Parties of exploitation, including occurring during the provision of protective services, violence or abuse, physical disabilities who are victims of any form of mental and psychological treatment, rehabilitation and provider for the social reintegration shall take all appropriate measures. Such recovery and reintegration person's health, self-respect, dignity, provide restoring the autonomy and should take into account the special needs associated with age and gender.
  5. States Parties exploitation against people with disabilities, the detection of violence and abuse, to ensure investigation and prosecution where necessary, women and child-focused legislation and policies, including effective laws and policies should be put in place.

Every person with disabilities, with other individuals have the right to physical and mental integrity be respected equally.

  1. States Parties recognize that persons with disabilities should have the freedom to travel and the right to choose the settlement and citizenship of people with disabilities on an equal basis with others, and should provide the following rights.
    1. Nationality have the right to acquire and change and be arbitrarily deprived of their nationality or disability;
    2. Because of the disabled person's nationality or to obtain other documents relating to the identity, absence and use of this document or deprived of his executive ability processes such as immigration proceedings, that may be necessary to ensure that the freedom to travel with these documents;
    3. Be free to leave any country, including their own;
    4. On the basis of disability to enter his own country or be deprived arbitrarily.
  2. Children with disabilities shall be registered immediately after birth and birth to a name, to acquire a nationality and should have the right to know and be cared for by them to the extent possible their parents.

States Parties to the present Convention shall have the right to live in society of all persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others and to accept that persons with disabilities and to benefit fully from this right necessary measures to facilitate their full participation in society will receive effectively. In this context, attention will be given to the following points:

  1. Persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others, of residence and where and with whom they have the right to choose to live and be forced into a particular living arrangement;
  2. Live in the community, including personal support of people with disabilities and domestic housing they need to be included in society, organizational and other social support services access should be ensured and the isolation of disabled people from society and segregation should be avoided;
  3. Community services and facilities should be open equally to persons with disabilities and are responsive to their needs.

States Parties shall take all necessary measures to be able to act effectively to ensure maximum autonomy within the framework of the disabled facilities. These measures include:

  1. The way they want the disabled and to facilitate their ability to move in time and at affordable cost;
  2. The movement of persons with disabilities to facilitate high-quality tools and equipment, assistive technologies, people offering help and facilitate a cost affordable access to the tools;
  3. The specialist staff working with persons with disabilities and disabled people with disabilities be educated about the development of movement skills;
  4. Take into account all the needs of the disabled assistive technologies to produce mobility aids, devices and be encouraged.

States Parties of the disabled to use the optional all means of communication as defined in Article 2 of this Convention, information and ideas seek, receive and the freedom of expression, including the freedom to take all appropriate measures to benefit on an equal basis with others. These measures should include the following:

  1. Up to date and to provide the appropriate technology without additional cost to the public in accessible formats to the submission of information intended for disabled people and different groups of disabled people;
  2. Sign language in official contacts of persons with disabilities, Braille, to facilitate their use of body language and their preferred means of communication and all other accessible formats;
  3. Including private institutions offering Internet Public services, promotion of people with disabilities in accessible and usable formats can provide information and services;
  4. The services of institutions providing services to the mass media, including providers of information through the Internet to encourage the offer in the way that is accessible to the disabled.
  5. Recognizing and promoting the use of sign language.
  1. Residential and whatever the lifestyle private life of any people with disabilities, family, housing, communications and other communications to be intervened in a way contrary to arbitrary or unlawful and dignity and not be allowed to unlawful for dignity. Disabled persons are entitled to legal protection against such interference or attacks.
  2. States Parties to the disabled of personal, health and rehabilitation information privacy is protected under equal conditions with other individuals.
  1. The States Parties to marriage, family, parenting and appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination against persons with disabilities in relation to specific issues that are effective and will be considering that persons with disabilities are equal with other individuals. In this context, the following must be provided:
    1. The right of all persons with disabilities who are of marriageable age to marry and to family and used in accordance with the free will and consent of the spouses who want to marry this right;
    2. The number of children with disabilities and age range freely and the right to decide by moving responsibility and age-appropriate information, reproductive and family planning, recognition of the right of access to education and the creation of the means necessary to exercise this right;
    3. Children, including the disabled will retain their fertility on an equal basis with others.
  2. States Parties; custody, guardianship, trusteeship, adoption or national legislation in the area of increased similar institutions in respect of these concepts - provided that prevail in all cases of child benefits - are guaranteeing the rights and responsibilities of persons with disabilities. Disability parties fulfilling their child-rearing responsibilities States should provide appropriate support. 3. States Parties, in relation to children with disabilities should ensure that family life has equal rights with others. The States Parties to realizing the rights of children with disabilities and concealment, abandonment, neglect and segregation, to avoid disabled children and their families early and comprehensive information should provide service and support.
  3. States Parties shall ensure that a child leaving the family without the request of the family. The children of the competent authorities subject to judicial review The exception to this law is applied it is necessary in accordance with the best interests of the separation from his family and decide in accordance with the procedures. Because none of the children or their parents in a condition or disability can not be separated from the mother and father of all children.
  4. States Parties fails to look after children of disabled children in the family, the child broadly the family members, it is not possible, unless they undertook to make every effort to ensure a social environment to alternative care to provide family environment.
  1. States Parties recognize the right to education of disabled people. States Parties shall ensure this right without discrimination and on the basis of equality of opportunity for people with disabilities at all levels of the education system integrator to ensure the possibility of getting into and lifelong learning. The following objectives should be observed for this:
    1. The human potential and sense of dignity and worth full development and human rights, the strengthening of respect for fundamental freedoms and human diversity;
    2. The disabled; personality, talents and creativity, ensuring the highest degree of potential for the development of mental and physical skills;
    3. A free society of persons with disabilities in the provision of effective participation.
  2. States Parties shall ensure the following for the realization of this right:
    1. Persons with disabilities should not be excluded from the general education system due to disability and disabled children because of the apology should be excluded from free and compulsory primary and secondary education facilities;
    2. Persons with disabilities have an inclusive, equal with other individuals should have access to quality, free primary and secondary education;
    3. Reasonable adjustments should be made ??according to the needs of individuals;
    4. The general education of the disabled effectively get the support they need in order to benefit from the general education system;
    5. Effective individualized support measures for the disabled, persons with disabilities to fully participate in training / integration goals in accordance with the provision in environments that maximize academic and social development.
  3. States Parties shall ensure to learn life and social development skills to facilitate people with disabilities as equal members of society to the full and equal participation in education. States Parties shall take appropriate measures specified for this purpose as follows:
    1. Braille and to learn the reading of writing in other styles, body language and alternative means of communication and forms of adaptation to the new environment and to learn the skills to act in this environment, and facilitating peer support and mentoring;
    2. The learning of sign language and the promotion of the linguistic identity of the hearing and speech impaired;
    3. Vision, hearing or seeing and hearing and speech-disabled persons, especially the most appropriate language of their children's education, and communication with the vehicle, to maintain their academic and social development of the building to be presented in the media.
  4. To ensure the realization of this right of States Parties, including disabled people, sign language and take appropriate measures to Braille recruitment of teachers who know the alphabet and at all levels of training of experts and staff training. To increase the awareness of disability Such training should include the use of supportive educational techniques and materials with alternative media and formats.
  5. The States Parties to the general high school education of the disabled, vocational training, must provide adult education and lifelong access to education without discrimination and on an equal basis with others. States parties should ensure that appropriate reasonable accommodation to the needs of disabled people for this purpose.

States Parties can be accessed without discrimination based on disability recognize the right of persons with disabilities enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health. States Parties regarding persons with disabilities, including the rehabilitation of health, access to gender-sensitive health services shall take all appropriate measures to make it possible. States Parties;

  1. Free or at affordable cost to provide health care and programs, the same coverage to disabled people with other individuals, the quality and the provision of standard and sex of these services and reproductive health care and public health programs should provide include;
  2. The particular needs of disabled due to disability, health services should be provided. This early diagnosis and intervention as appropriate health care, including children and the elderly, should cover services aimed at reducing or preventing the increase of disability;
  3. Health care, including in rural areas should be taken to the place where they live close to people as possible;
  4. Health to maintenance professionals that they offer to the other members of the medical care offered by persons with disabilities to have the same quality and care giving education as well as other measures to ensure that rely on patients' free and informed consent, public institutions and private institutions offered by the health human rights of people with disabilities by publishing the ethical standard of care, dignity, autonomy and should raise awareness of the need;
  5. The disabled in cases where national legislation to regulate the health and life insurance prohibits discrimination in terms of benefit from this insurance and provide insurance to be fair and reasonable;
  6. Not to the provision of health care or services on the basis of disability or refusal to take the necessary measures to prevent food and drink.
  1. The States Parties to the disabled maintain maximum independence, full physical, mental, peer support, including appropriate measures to ensure their full participation in all aspects of life and the social and professional skills they will take to achieve in an effective manner. In this regard, States Parties shall in particular health, employment, education and social services areas should provide comprehensive habilitation and rehabilitation services, should strengthen and expand existing services. Should follow as a way to do this:
    1. Habilitation and rehabilitation services and programs should begin at the earliest possible stage, and the direction in which the needs of individuals and should be based on an assessment with a strong multi-disciplinary;
    2. Habilitation supports the integration of disabled people's participation in community and society, and is based on consent to participate in rehabilitation services and programs, and the services and programs, including in rural areas, the place where they live with disabilities is presented as close as possible.
  2. For professionals and staff working in habilitation and rehabilitation services States Parties shall promote the development of initial and continuing education programs.
  3. States Parties prepared for the disabled, habilitation and rehabilitation related to the availability of assistive devices and technologies, information about them and their use should be developed.
  1. States Parties recognize that it has the right to work under equal conditions with other individuals with disabilities and the rights of disabled people freely choose their or open, work on inclusive and accessible labor market and work environment includes the opportunity to earn a living. States Parties shall promote the realization of the right to work of all persons with disabilities, including those with disabilities who are working, including legislative measures that will ensure, by taking appropriate measures. In addition:
    1. In the recruitment and employment conditions, continuity of employment, including career advancement and safe and healthy working conditions, in all matters relating to employment, prohibits discrimination based on disability;
    2. With respect to the provision of fair and appropriate working conditions, rights of persons with disabilities should be protected on an equal basis with others. This provision of equal opportunities, protection from abuse and the protection of the principle of equal pay for equal work, and the safe and healthy working conditions, including the elimination of victimization;
    3. The disabled in the labor and trade union rights on an equal basis with others, they can use;
    4. Disability to the general technical and vocational guidance programs, placement services, vocational and provides effective access to continuing education on an equal basis with others,
    5. Labor market in employment opportunities and career development of disabled people and people with disabilities to support job search or work to begin, to continue to work and help them to return to work;
    6. Self-employment, entrepreneurship, develop opportunities for cooperatives and starting one's own business;
    7. The handicapped will employment in the public sector;
    8. Affirmative action programs containing action, through appropriate policies and measures, which may include incentives and other measures to support the employment of people with disabilities in the private sector;
    9. In the workplace of people with disabilities provides that reasonable regulation;
    10. Allows disabled people to gain work experience in the open labor market;
    11. Vocational rehabilitation for the disabled, job retention and return to work programs.
  2. States Parties are protected under equal conditions should prevent disabled people and people with disabilities are not held in slavery, forced or compulsory labor against other individuals.
  1. States Parties, disabled people food, clothing and shelter, including the right to an adequate standard of living for themselves and their families and recognize the right to the continuous improvement of living conditions. States Parties shall take all necessary steps to ensure recognition of this right without discrimination because of their disabilities.
  2. States Parties recognize the right of enjoyment of that right without discrimination on the basis of social protection of disabled people and disability and to ensure the recognition of this right, including measures mentioned below and should take the necessary steps to develop:
    1. With disabilities to clean water services, competitive price and provide equal access to affordable services to the needs of disabled people and means for equipment and other assistance to provide access to:
    2. In particular, women and girls with disabilities, including persons with disabilities and the elderly, people with disabilities to ensure their access to social protection programs and poverty reduction programs;
    3. Appropriate training of disabled people living in situations of poverty and family counseling, financial assistance and respite care, including providing access to state aid in the expenditure on disability;
    4. To ensure access of persons with disabilities to public housing programs;
    5. The Disability retirement benefits, such as salary to the facilities and programs to ensure equal access.

States Parties, under equal conditions with other individuals with disabilities political rights and should ensure the opportunity to take advantage of them, and must fulfill the following;

  1. By others in addition to those specified below; persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others and to choose political and public life, including voting rights is effective and ensure full participation directly or through freely chosen representatives;
    1. The selection procedures, facilities and materials are appropriate, accessible and allowing it to be easy to understand and use;
    2. Disabled people, secret voting from persecution in the elections and referendum, to be a candidate and take part in an effective position and state by protecting all levels of fulfilling the rights of all public functions, help as much as possible and facilitating the use of new technologies;
    3. The choice of the voters with disabilities by ensuring that they can freely express and necessary for this purpose, while voting if requested and allowing them to get the support of a person of their choice,
  2. Disabled people, without discrimination, under equal conditions with others, the creation of an environment in which to ensure the effective and full participation in the conduct of public affairs, including the following, to encourage their participation in public affairs;
    1. The country's public and political life of the related non-governmental organizations, associations and political parties to participate in the activities and administration;
    2. With disabilities at international, national, regional and local level in the establishment of organizations representing disabled people and take part in the provision of the disabled.
  1. States Parties recognize the right to participate on an equal basis with others in cultural life of the handicapped and the disabled take all necessary measures to ensure the enjoyment of the following:
    1. Access to cultural materials in nature to redeem;
    2. To TV programs, films, theater and available to access in other cultural forms;
    3. Theaters, museums, cinemas, libraries and tourism services, which serves as the place where cultural performances or services, and also gain access to important monuments and sites of national cultural terms as possible.
  2. States Parties, not only for the benefit of the disabled, the handicapped in order to enrich the creative community, the provider to have the artistic and intellectual capacity to develop and use the facilities shall take the necessary measures.
  3. States Parties, in accordance with international law and the laws protecting intellectual property rights, access to persons with disabilities to cultural materials to take all appropriate measures to remove barriers that create an unreasonable or discriminatory.
  4. Persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others, of their specific cultural and linguistic identity, including sign languages ??and the culture of the hearing-impaired, has the right to be recognized and supported.
  5. The States Parties to the entertainment disabled, in order to ensure participation on an equal basis with others, recreation and sports activities should take appropriate measures:
    1. Disabled people to the fullest extent possible in mainstream sporting activities at all levels and to increase;
    2. The disabled, disability, special sports and leisure activities for organizing, developing and ensuring that you have the opportunity to participate in these activities and, therefore, for them to be given proper information and education on an equal basis with others, and to encourage the provision of resources;
    3. Disabled sports, providing access to tourist areas and entertainment venues;
    4. Children with disabilities, including those activities in the school play, recreation and leisure and sporting activities ensure equally participate;
    5. Recreational, tourism, leisure services from those involved in organizing the activities and sporting events to ensure access of persons with disabilities.
  1. States Parties to show them off in this essential policy for the implementation of the agreement and to formulate development, including statistical data and research, collect the appropriate information. Information collection and consider the following points for the sustainability of knowledge:
    1. Data protection, privacy and respect for people with disabilities, including legislation on privacy to be provided must comply with legally established security measures;
    2. The collection and use of statistics in human rights, compliance with the standards accepted at the international level on the protection of fundamental freedoms and ethical principles must be sought.
  2. The information collected in accordance with this Article, if appropriate, shall provide distribution, and existing contracts under the state parties of the information used to demonstrate the barriers they face when using the evaluation and disability rights practices.
  3. Shall assume responsibility for the dissemination of the data they collect and States Parties shall ensure that the data to be accessible for people with disabilities and others.
  1. States Parties in order to fulfill the objectives and obligations of this contract recognizes the importance of international cooperation in support of national efforts and encourages. In this context, at the level of states and government, where appropriate, relevant international and take the necessary measures to ensure cooperation with organizations for the disabled, especially with regional organizations and civil society. These measures include:
    1. International cooperation, including international development programs, to be accessible for people with disabilities guarantees the coverage and the disabled;
    2. Knowledge, experience and encourage training programs and exchange of good practice and sharing capabilities through the development and support;
    3. Research, develop scientific and technical cooperation in the issue of access to information;
    4. Where appropriate, accessible, and it is accessible to assistive technologies and provide economic and technical support through the transfer of technology and encouraging them to share.
  2. The provisions of this Article, each State Party can not ignore the fulfillment of its obligations under the present Convention.
  1. States Parties shall establish a coordination mechanism to promote one or more key allocation will and government in different sectors and activities related to the subject at different levels of government for matters relating to the implementation of the existing agreements in accordance with their own forms of organization.
  2. States Parties should establish a framework that includes one or more independent mechanisms within the state in accordance with their legal and administrative system. This structure encourages the implementation of existing agreements, protects and monitors. Side while establishing this structure should take into account the status of state institutions on promoting and protecting human rights and functioning.
  3. First of disabled employees in the audit process, including the full participation of civil society organizations and representatives should be provided.
  1. This Convention is established in a disability rights committee to perform the duties (hereinafter "the committee" will be called).
  2. The Committee shall consist of 12 experts after the agreement comes into force. After confirming more than 60 states, the number of members of the committee reached 6 people and this figure will increase to 18 the maximum number of members.
  3. Committee members; should work to the extent personal capacities, moral values ??should be composed of recognized success and experience in the field covered by the contract and must be high. Of the States Parties to this Convention 4. Article 3 when determining the candidate it should be cautioned regarding the necessity to take into account the provisions of this paragraph.
  4. Committee members should be elected by States Parties. States Parties members of the committee in the selection of geographical distribution, representation of different civilizations and legal systems, a balanced representation of men and women and the disabled of experts should be equitable participation in issues
  5. Committee members are parties to this agreement secret ballot from a list of candidates which they are selected by determining the state of the national meeting. The parties in the elections 3/2 should be ready for the most number of votes and an absolute majority of the people get the government should win the election the votes represented.
  6. The initial election shall be made ??within 6 months from the entry into force of the contract. United Nations Secretary-General, at least 4 months before each election by submitting articles to state whether the parties approve the nominations within two months. General Secretariat of the parties in alphabetical order the names of suitable candidates to the states and contractual lists with the name of the state party is attached and sends it to the States parties to the current contract.
  7. The Committee members are elected for four-year terms. Members are suitable to be selected once again. However, with the names of all the votes are determined by 6 members of the mandate of the president of the meeting referred to in paragraph 5 of this Article immediately after the first election, the election will end after two years.
  8. 6 new members of the selection, which is done with regular elections conducted in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Article.
  9. One of the committee members to death, resignation or any other reason leaves the office before the expiration time, which represents the state party shall appoint another expert possessing the qualifications and meeting the provisions of this Article. New members will complete the remaining term.
  10. Determine its own rules of work of the Committee.
  11. Staff Committee of the duties granted in this agreement and will need to fulfill other needs as efficiently provided by the United Nations Secretary-General. In addition, the General Secretariat, the committee should be invited to come together for the first meeting.
  12. The members of the committee established in accordance with this Agreement, the General Assembly decided receives a fee from United Nations sources, the General Assembly considers the responsibilities of the Committee making this decision.
  13. Members of the Committee, United Nations experts' priorities and immunities of the United Nations "should be called the contract of the staff of the General Secretariat in order to benefit from the rights contained in the relevant section.
  1. States Parties must submit a comprehensive report on the prevention and progress taken for the fulfillment of the Convention of the United within two years after the entry into force for the State concerned Nations requirements of the Convention to the Committee through the general secretariat.
  2. Thereafter, States Parties shall submit subsequent reports if requested by the Committee, regardless of the time as an extra, and it at least four years.
  3. The Committee may set any guidelines applicable to the content of the report.
  4. Of the Committee's second report the first extensive report offering a state party does not need to contain old information. The States Parties to the committee preparing the report, in an open and transparent process and that the contract in paragraph 3 of Article 4 (4.3) shall be taken into account.
  5. Reports may also include factors and difficulties affecting the degree of fulfillment of contractual obligations.
  1. The Committee examines each report and return to the State concerned and include the recommendations, if any, and general comments. The State Party may respond with any information about the select committee. The Committee may request additional information from States parties on the implementation of the Convention.
  2. The Committee is significantly late in delivering a report about the state of the work for the fulfillment of the contract, on the basis of trust, you can request a review. In case of failure to submit a new report within 3 months that followed, the state committee should be invited to participate in an audit. In case of timely submission of the report, the provisions of the first paragraph of this Article shall apply.
  3. The United Nations should make it available to States Parties to the General Secretariat of the report.
  4. The States Parties to the report, suggestions and comments , including being should be made ??accessible to the public in their own countries.
  5. In a report, any request, if the technical means or support needs are specified, the committee deems it appropriate, adding his own observations and comments on the issue, said the report of the United Nations' in the specialized institutions in this area, funds, programs and other competent organs reached.
  1. Each State Party shall cooperate with the committee and should help in fulfilling their duties to the members.
  2. Committee; Parties in the framework of its relations with the state, developers roads of national capacities for the implementation of a government contract vehicles and international cooperation in the field including data responsibilities.

Strengthening the effective fulfillment of the provisions of the Convention and related international cooperation it gets covered by the contract in terms of encouraging

  1. Specialized agencies and the United Nations, other organs of the Convention, should be represented during the consideration of the implementation of the provisions within their work area. The Committee deems it appropriate, specialized agencies and other competent bodies, how can invoke the provisions relating to the scope of the Convention to apply to the expert opinion about the fulfillment. Committee and specialized agencies of the United Nations, other organs may wish to report on the implementation of the agreement with its business sectors.
  2. Regulations in line with the committee; reporting principles, to ensure consistency in recommendations and general comments, in terms of authority and to avoid conflicts of jurisdiction, if deemed appropriate, should consult other relevant bodies established by the Declaration of Human Rights.

The Committee every two years, on the activities of the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council to report to the information received from the States Parties and appeared in line to be able to examine the report noted suggestions and general comments. These proposals and assessments and, if so, together with the comments of the States Parties that may take place in the Committee report.

  1. The States Parties to the contract must be met at the Conference of States Parties on a regular basis to discuss issues related to fulfillment.
  2. The first of States Parties within six months following the entry into force of the Convention Conference of the United Nations should be collected by the call of the General Secretariat. The next meeting of the United Nations are made ??by one or two years by decision of the Conference of States Parties to the Secretary General.

Secretarial jobs executed by the General Secretariat of the UN Convention.

The present Convention, on 30 March 2007, the United Nations Headquarters in New York, all states and regional integration will be opened for signature by the organization.

The present convention; to ratification by signatory states and regional integration organizations are subject to official approval. contract signing was participating states and regional integration is also open to organizations.

  1. Regional integration organization; established independent states in a particular area represents the organization. Member states in this region are active in the organization of authority in matters related to this contract. These organizations explain their level of authority in matters within the scope of the Convention revealing official approval and participation. After that, any significant changes to the powers within can be reported.
  2. In the present Convention "States Parties" states the authority designated as within may apply to these organizations.
  3. Article 45, paragraph 1, Article 47 paragraph 2 and 3 in terms of regional integration organizations do not need to reveal any instrument.
  4. Regional integration organizations, in the Conference of States Parties, the right to vote on issues within the scope of authority. Vote is equal to the number of votes within the state party to this agreement. Using state if one of the parties in votes within the voting rights of these organizations do the same.
  1. This Agreement shall enter into force 30 days after the sign and ratify the 20 side.
  2. After 20 participants signed the contract confirming each State or regional integration effect starts within 30 days in accordance with the following parties to sign and ratify this contract procedure relating to the organization.
  1. Unacceptable to put forward a reservation incompatible with the scope and purpose of the present Convention.
  2. Advanced Reservations may be withdrawn at any time.
  1. May propose an amendment to the Agreement and a State Party shall notify the United Nations Secretary-General. General Secretary, reporting to the recommendations of the State party, asked their opinion about the conference, for the purpose of considering the decision. 4 months following the notification of the state party in at least 3/1 If the report favored a conference; General Secretariat invites all States Parties meeting under the auspices of the United Nations. An amendment to the acceptance of those present and voting of the state party 3/2 games of receiving, by the Secretary General of the United Nations General Assembly and must be submitted to be approved there. Thus, it applies to all parties.
  2. An amendment, paragraph 3 of the State Party by 1/2 of the approval to accept only valid for 30 days. After that it enters into force on the 30th day following its signature and approval for each state. An amendment binds only the parties which have accepted it.
  3. Article 47, paragraph 1, of ( 47.1 ) in connection with the approval of the changes that take place; Article 34, 38, 39 and 40 and are directly related to a change in state party conference in the case of adoption by consensus of 3/2 of the 30th day after you confirm whether to accept the changes will apply to all parties.

A State Party, the United Nations may terminate the contract by notice in writing to the Secretariat. The termination of such notification from the Secretariat of the United Nations General admission will become effective one year later.

This agreement is prepared in an accessible format.

Of this Agreement in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic. WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly and fully authorized by the state they represent participants in this Agreement signed on behalf of the State they represent.

The States Parties to this Protocol have agreed on the following points:

  1. The present Parties to the Protocol ( "State Party") individuals in their jurisdiction and their nationals or individuals or groups acting on their behalf allegedly damaged as a result of violation of the provisions of the State that Party Disability Rights Committee ( "the Committee" ) and the right to communicate and consult the Committee referred to these individuals and recognize the right to communicate with the group.
  2. In this context, this side is not a State Party to the present Protocol shall not be accepted by an application or communication concerning the Committee.

The Committee took place in the following cases complaints will be accepted:

  1. Related to complain if not anonymous;
  2. The said complaint an abuse of the right of petition or application, or in the absence of compliance with the provisions of the Convention;
  3. To be examined by the Committee before the same issue or another international arbitration or examination procedure case is investigated or is being examined;
  4. In case of failure to exhaust all domestic remedies. This provision is unnecessary and unreasonably prolonged the question does not apply in cases where domestic remedies and appear likely to reach any conclusion;
  5. The subject of the complaint unfounded or devoid of sufficient evidence; or
  6. Report to the facts of this has taken place prior to the adoption by the Protocol of States Parties or have occurred earlier if the consequences of such events if there is not continued after the date of acceptance by the State Party to the present Protocol.

This all types presented to the Committee itself within the framework of the provisions of Article 2 of Protocol complained shall transmit notice of the State Party and privacy rules. States Parties forwarded to him on the subject of the Committee at the latest within six months and if the content of the measures that can be taken to solve them will be informed in writing about fashion.

  1. A complaint determining whether to find a solution and following the receipt issue any previous time, the Committee said the party alleged violation of State or negativity of the victim or to take irreversible their victims in order to prevent the suffered damage to take urgent interim measures it deems necessary and the implementation may request.
  2. Committee where the use of preferences provided for in paragraph 1 of this Article, this case the complaint does not mean that no right or wrong.

The Committee submitted to it under this Protocol complaints will conduct closed meetings to examine. One of the complaints , if any, after examining committee will submit their recommendations to the State Party and the petitioner and wishes.

  1. If the Committee of States Parties to the Convention 'that also foreseen rights severely and systematically violated reliable information to have the question of States Parties will be invited to cooperate in the examination of this information and to this end such information with the relevant observations of the Parties to the information of the State It will offer.
  2. The Committee of States Parties by that may have been submitted to any additional observations of other information on reliable qualities in addition to hands may appoint one of the members of the committee considering or more to carry out research to offer him an urgent report. Party and the consent of the State guarantee in cases where offers can also include a visit to the region comes to research.
  3. Such an examination of the findings of a study to be obtained as a result of these findings, the Committee will submit comments and suggestions on the subject with States Parties.
  4. The State Party concerned the findings, comments and communicated their observations within six months following the recommendation of the Committee itself 'will offer eat.
  5. Such research will be carried out in secrecy and cooperation of the State Party shall be sought at every stage of research.
  1. Committee of the States Parties concerned in response to this survey will be taken all the measures envisaged in the sixth item of the Protocol of the Convention to include the details can invite 35 to prepare the report provided for in Article.
  2. If needed, the Committee Article 6.4 envisaged after completion of the six-month period were in response to a question regarding the investigation of the measure may request the State Party concerned to inform him.

Each State Party to this Protocol to be signed or approved in the Committee or the implementation phase can be explained not recognize the authority provided for in Articles 6 and 7.

This task is the implementation of the Protocol of the United Nations General Secretariat.

This Protocol was signed on 30 March 2007, the United Nations Headquarters in New York, all states and regional integration was opened for signature by the organization.

The present Protocol shall be subject to the approval of the States Parties have ratified or having been included in the contract. Protocol shall be subject to the approval of the regional integration organization which has been ratified or included in the contract. Protocol has been signed but the contract duly signed or put into effect according to which States Parties and regional integration is open to all organizations.

  1. "Regional integration organization"; established by a sovereign state but as a managerial structure of management with authority on matters relating to this Protocol. These organizations, they have the authority to decide on matters within the scope of this protocol and in future reports this authority will not be restricted.
  2. These organizations can apply for authorization under the reference of the states parties to the present Protocol.
  3. Article 13, paragraph 1, Article 15, paragraph 2 (15.2) in terms of regional integration deposited by the organization of the documents will not be considered.
  4. Regional integration organizations, in state party conference may vote on issues within the scope of authority. Vote is equal to the number of votes within states parties to the Protocol. Using state if one of the parties in votes within the voting rights of these organizations do the same.
  1. The present Protocol shall enter into force 30 days after the parties sign and ratify the tenth.
  2. After all the participants signed the contract confirming each State or regional integration effect starts within 30 days following the ratification of this agreement duly signed in accordance with the relevant parties to the organization.
  1. Unacceptable to put forward a reservation contains contradictions and incompatible with the scope and purpose of the contract.
  2. Advanced Reservations may be withdrawn at any time.
  1. May propose an amendment to the Protocol, a State Party and notify the United Nations Secretary-General. General Secretary, reporting to the recommendations of the State party, asked their opinion about the conference, for the purpose of considering the decision. If the feedback statement since the conference, followed by at least one-third of the States Parties within 4 months, the Secretary-General invites the State party to the meeting. Present for acceptance of an amendment and voting of two thirds of the states parties to take the game, to be submitted to the General Assembly by the Secretary-General and there must be confirmed. Therefore, such a change will apply to all parties.
  2. An amendment, paragraph become effective 30 days after the ratification by the State party to accept the two-thirds of 1. After that it enters into force on the 30th day following its signature and approval for each state. An amendment binds only the parties which have accepted it.

A State Party, the United Nations may terminate the contract by notice in writing to the Secretariat. The termination of such notification from the Secretariat of the United Nations General admission will become effective one year later.

This agreement is prepared in an accessible format.

Of this Agreement in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic. WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly and fully authorized by the state they represent, participants have signed this Protocol on behalf of the State they represent.